
Come visit us

Located near Black Springs NSW
If you are interested in bringing an Uttercharm puppy into your life, please send an inquiry through, answering these questions. Outlining as much detail as you can on your personal circumstances and experience.  Some times, puppy personalities match certain lifestyles or specific experience levels.  


Children & ages:


Work schedule:

How high are your fences:

How big is your yard, is it all on one level:

Is your house all on one level or 2 stories:

Have you ever owned a border collie or dog:

Current pets:

Are you willing to take your puppy to puppy preschool/obedience:

Boy or girl:

Do you hope to take part in sports/disciplines with your puppy:

Are you planning on breeding:

Will you desex your puppy at an appropriate age: If yes, what age: 

Have you contacted any other breeders:

Do you have your name on other breeders wait lists: 

Have you read the Puppies info page on this website:

Did you read the price on the Puppies Information Page:

What are you looking for in a puppy:

What made you choose a border collie:

*** Please note ***
We don't hold waitlists for future litters at this stage. 

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